The magic of tummy time for babies

14 September, 2020
At TFK we are constantly talking about tummy time for babies. There are so many reasons why tummy time is important.

Let’s start with:

Helps prevent flat head (plagiocephaly).

Questions we are asked about tummy time:

Tummy time is the time your baby spends playing on their tummy. It’s not just a position.

Ideas for tummy time

happy baby girl with blue eyes playing on floor ma 2023 11 27 04 56 12 utc

Remember – tummy time must always be done when your baby is awake. If done over equipment, please make sure to supervise. If using an exercise ball, make sure it can’t roll away from you. You can make a pool noodle ring to stabilise an exercise ball and keep it from rolling away.

For more info on tummy time, please see our original blog or Raising Children.

Keep safe, happy, and well,


By Debbie Evans

Executive Director

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