Spider Cage Therapy Sydney

What is it?

The Spider Cage is named as such by the children we treat, who see it as a superhero Spider Man device! We have found that children love the Spider Cage for the freedom that it offers and will often request it for their therapy sessions even though it can be hard work. The Spider Cage, using restrictive bands, allows a child to be involved in gait training, balance and strengthening exercises while their body is correctly aligned and positioned in a partial supported weight bearing position, which is an evidence based therapy used by physiotherapists for the past two decades. Due to the time involved in setting up, it is most easily used during intensives or long therapy sessions.

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We believe in every child’s potential. We have the vision to recognise it. We have the expertise to unlock it.

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The Spider Cage allows the therapist to:

We use the Spider Cage across all our physiotherapy programs, however due to time constraints involved in setting up it is most easily used during intensives or long therapy sessions.

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