Deb’s Blog

Sensory Spaces To Help Regulate Your Child’s Emotions

Sensory spaces are areas to help a child regulate their emotions and behaviours – this blog will help you understand the different sensory needs and how you can recreate a DIY sensory space at home.

Toe Walking

Toe walking is when a child is unable to make heel contact during the walking cycle, and stays on their toes. This blog walks you through the conditions associated with toe walking, when you should get your child assessed and what treatment involves.
young girl in speech therapy session

Speech Sound Disorders – Articulation and Phonological Processes

How can you tell if your child has a speech sound disorder? Find out the signs of articulation and phonological disorders in this blog. Read on!

What Is Joint Attention In Children?

Joint attention is a crucial developmental milestone in children. This blog explains joint attention & some effective joint attention activities for kids.

What is Developmental Coordination Disorder? 

This blog discusses DSD, which may be an appropriate diagnosis for some children with difficulties attaining/performing motor skills.

Intensive Paediatric Therapy – helping Amelia reach her goals

Amelia comes to Therapies for Kids and participates in regular Intensive Paediatric Therapy to work on a number of…

Whole Body Vibrational Therapy

At TFK I am always searching for new tools to add to our therapy toolbox so that therapists can challenge themselves to provide the best possible therapy to your child.

Tips for interactive reading

I am frequently asked how often, how much, and where to practice therapy. Parents are often shown therapy in a setting which doesn’t always translate into their daily lives and as such find it hard to carry out important skill learning with their child. Here are 7 ways to help make therapy a fun and easy part of your daily routine.

The F-words for child development

Research in childhood disability has identified six F-words that should be the focus for development. These include Function, Family, Fitness, Fun, Friends, and Future.

Tips for toilet training your toddler

We often get asked when a parent should be worried about toilet training for their child. Like all developmental milestones, each child is individual in the time they are ready. Some children start being interested in toilet training as early as 18 months, but anywhere up to 3.5 years is okay.

Intensive Paediatric Therapy – helping Harry ride his bike

Harry is four-years-old with a condition called Prader-Willi Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder affecting development and growth. For Harry, the syndrome affects his balance, strength, and motor planning abilities.

Preparing for the transition from daycare to school

Transitioning from daycare to preschool is one of the biggest milestones in any family and at TFK we feel that supporting children to make this transition successfully helps set the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

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