Hanen® Program Sydney
What is it?
The ‘Hanen Approach’ is a set of programs created by a speech pathologist from Canada named Ayala Hanen Manolson in 1975. Hanen programs focus on parental involvement as a crucial part of therapy.
Hanen based approaches equip parents with the skills that they need to build children’s communication and social skills within their natural environment for best outcomes and generalisation of skills.

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More Than Words®
Our therapists are trained in the Hanen More Than Words® program – an approach designed specifically for families of children with autistic spectrum disorder, or other social communication difficulties.
The More than Words® program focuses on using natural, day-to-day interactions with your child such as meal time, bath time and taking walks to help your child improve their communication and social skills.
The program will help you learn to...
- Identify your child’s communication stage
- Develop appropriate goals for your child’s level
- Strategies to engage your child in longer back-and-forth interactions
- Turn everyday activities into opportunities for promoting interaction and communication.
- help develop your child’s play skills
The whole program consists of...
The program is completed over 8 group and 3 individual sessions with parents/carers in person or over telehealth. The whole program consists of:
- Information sessions
- Video feedback sessions
- Group participation
- Group discussion
- Homework strategies to try each week
Principles of the program can also be incorporated into your child’s individual sessions with their therapist.
Conditions we treat:
- Any condition approved for NDIS funding
- Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)
- Neurological conditions
- Acquired Brain Injuries
- Cerebral Palsy and Movement Disorders
- Genetic conditions
- ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
- Global Developmental Delay
- Sensory Processing Disorder
- Delayed Developmental Milestones
- Delayed Social Skills
- Delayed Early Movement Skills in babies and toddlers
Book a personalised consultation for your child with Therapies For Kids
Enquire now or learn more about conditions we treat.