6 months – “Prop sit”

  • They are moving from back to their tummies, showing increasing voluntary muscle control and strength.
  • Babies on their tummies are adopting the ‘Superman position’ – legs and arms off the floor and arching their backs to ‘fly’.
  • Lift their head up when pulled to sit.
  • Sit independently with their legs in a swimming position for stability.
  • Can prop forwards on their hands if they lose their balance, but not to the sides.
  • Can hold a toy if given.
  • Still needs pillows for protection.
  • Sits in highchair for feeding – good head and trunk control to allow for swallowing efficiently.

7-9 months

7 months – “Transitional movements”

  • Babies dislike their backs.
  • Will pull themselves to sit using your hands. (Hip flexor and tummy control).
  • Many babies will be adapting to many positions: on their tummies, pivoting, crawling, bear stand.
  • Your baby will sit independently.
  • Can reach for a toy and maintain balance.
  • Still have their legs in a ‘ring sitting’ (sitting with legs in a wide base) for balance.
  • May begin to move forwards over the legs towards an ‘all fours’ position.

8 months – “Transitional position I”

  • Busy, active, moving in/out of sitting.
  • Difficult to change their nappies as they want functional independence.
  • Your baby will be moving with all fours to crawl or go to sit.
  • Will use ‘ring sitting’ leg position while sitting while playing.
  • Develops trunk rotation and side sit – able to maintain balance and reach for a toy.
  • Moves from sit to ‘all fours’ due to increasing control of trunk and legs.

9 months – “Transitional position II”

  • Trunk control in sitting well developed.
  • Often a transitional position as they explore their environment.
  • Can hold objects as they move freely in and out of sitting.
  • Variety of positions of legs.
  • May begin to move from sitting to kneeling.

10-12 months

10 months – Play position

  • Rarely sit still.
  • If sitting still, they are eating, or exploring toys, beginning to put things in and out of containers.
  • Beginning to mimic gestures in sitting, i.e. ‘Ta (thank you)’.
  • Constantly transitioning from ‘ring sit’, to long leg, to side sit, to ‘W-kneeling’, to kneeling.
  • They transition in and out of all sitting positions easily and do not use any one position persistently.

Once your baby sits alone:

  • Place toys out of reach to encourage rotation and strengthen side tummy muscles for movement.
  • Encourage them to reach up.
  • Help your baby come forwards on their legs into side sit.
  • Give them 2 toys to play with and encourage bimanual play.
  • Sing songs with gestures.
  • Play movement songs in sit to encourage propping/movement.

What to do if your baby doesn’t sit up

If they don’t hold their head up at 4 months, prop on their arms by 4-5 months, and can’t sit by 9 months, check with your doctor or a paediatric physiotherapist.

All babies are different in their learning styles. Some are quiet, while others are movers. Developing head control and trunk strength is key to sitting independently. Sitting is a key to moving in and out of crawling, kneeling, and standing.


Keep safe, happy, and well,
