Tummy Time

7 April, 2020
So week 2 of my regular blog. The plan is to elaborate on Milestone Monday. Last week’s milestone was tummy time.

It’s a subject that every new carer is invested in but the messages that you hear can be mixed and any child’s reaction to their carers introduction of tummy time can be so varied…from distressed to happy acceptance. Since the introduction of the SIDS (sudden infant death protocols) in 1990 it has become necessary for parents to specifically introduce tummy time as a position for their babies.

Prior to this, babies were slept in a variety of positions, particularly on their tummies (prone). Once this was contraindicated for sleep, we in the health professions began to see a change in babies’ tolerance to tummy time. As we as humans adapt to what is familiar and develop strength through practice, we saw babies finding the unfamiliar position upsetting and therefore not practicing therefore they didn’t develop strength or tolerance. A cycle then develops of the baby crying and the carer rescuing them.


What can happen if baby doesn’t have a variety of positions in the day

Benefits of tummy time


What to do to encourage tummy time:

All of this wonderful upright movement comes from successful introduction and implementation of tummy time – allowing your baby to experience a variety of movements and thus develop motor independence.

If you feel your baby is struggling with any of these stages of tummy time, please discuss with your doctor or paediatric physiotherapist.

We are successfully assessing and demonstrating techniques over telehealth video conferencing at this time of social distancing.

Happy Tummy Playtime


By Debbie Evans

Executive Director

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