Pulling to stand using furniture for children 7-12 months

1 June, 2020
8 to 10 months old babies begin to have more strength and explore the space around them.

Transitional gross-motor milestones – part 3

Welcome back to transitional gross motor milestones. So far, we have covered the motor development from tummy time, rolling, creeping/crawling, and sitting. Babies have more strength and awareness of the space around them and are beginning to explore by 8 to 10 months. This is the moment every parent waits for; when their baby pulls themselves up into standing all by themselves!

Deb’s Key Takeaways

Development of the skills needed to pull to stand from 7 to 12 months:
How to help your baby learn to pull to stand using furniture:

7 – 8 months – Pulling up to knees/standing on carer/using furniture:

A pull to kneeling/stand can look awkward at first! It usually happens quite quickly after crawling, and in a perfect world would happen from the crawling position, though there are lots of ways babies will start to get up. As your baby crawls up to an object such as a couch, a coffee table, or even your legs, they will naturally attempt to stand up, and soon come back down, fairly quickly in the beginning. It’s a skill! Practice makes perfect. Remember, all babies move forward through gross motor milestones at their own pace and in their own way.
little boy looking at camera 2023 11 27 04 51 14 utc

8 – 10 months – kneeling/half-kneeling:

little girl sits on her knees on the asphalt again 2023 11 27 05 07 01 utc

10 – 11 months – increasing maturity and strength in pulling to stand:

boy is standing by the window and looking into it 2023 11 27 05 03 50 utc

11 – 12 months – squat to stand using furniture/carer for support:

toddler boy laughing having fun standing near sofa 2023 11 27 05 19 56 utc

Pull to stand is important because:

Pull to stand is a skill! Practice makes perfect.

How to encourage your baby to move from the floor to standing:

What to do if your baby doesn’t pull to stand by 12 months:

All babies have their own individual time-frame for moving onto new skills and doing things on their own, but sometimes babies may get stuck in sitting or move on their bottom (scoot) instead of crawling. This can make it hard for them to plan the movement from sitting to an all-fours position, to kneeling, and then to standing. Some babies are watchers more than movers. They may be focusing on learning language or new play skills and may need more encouragement/play to get them moving up onto their feet. If you have tried the suggestions to encourage your baby to pull into kneeling then standing and they are still having trouble learning the skill, then contact your GP, paediatrician, or a paediatric physiotherapist.

Pulling up into kneeling and onto their feet is the first step towards your baby’s adventure into being an upright mover. It is a transition movement (moving from one position to another) and needs strength, balance, motor planning, and risk taking. Enjoy!

Keep well safe and happy


By Debbie Evans

Executive Director

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